
The Bear Hunting Course at the University of (Insert institution name) is an attractive and impressive program which teaches you the art of “hunting bears”. This program covers all aspects of bear hunting, from the very basic to the master level. You will learn from industry professionals who already have years of experience in this field and will graduate to an impressively paid, vast job market.

This programme is studied on campus.

Bears are carnivorous mammals who always cause harm to human colonies and attack the forest campers and visitors when they are camping in the forest. They are widespread and have more than eight classes residing across the world. However, one important thing about bears is that none of the classes acts identically with any other class. All of them show distinct behaviour. They are patient and intelligent animals who are very sharp at planning their attacks, thus special strategy needs to be adapted while hunting those. Trained bear hunters take years to learn defence and attack techniques for each one of the classes, distinctively. At (University Name), you will learn about defending and hunting each and every specie of bears using latest in-class simulations, virtual reality exercises and diverse strength-development exercise plans.

The people at (University Name) are polite and warm social. The faculty is also very kind and highly skilled and puts forward the best of its efforts to facilitate the process of learning. You will love being at (University name) considering our beautifully built campus, catchy extra-curricular programs and infinite opportunities for personal development.

Degree marketing image

Key Programme Information

At a Glance

Learning Mode
On Campus Learning
Degree Qualification
148 months
Study Mode
Double-Full Time
Start Month

What You'll Study

You will start from the basics and cover the biological evolution history of the bears at the earliest. Then you will move forward to learning Bear Psychology, Bear Classes and their behaviour and their strategies of attack and defence. You will learn about the defence techniques in the end, which will make you a true master of the art of bear hunting.

Year 1

Compulsory Courses

Bear Biology and Evolution History (BH101) - 15 Credit Points
Bear Psychology (BH102) - 15 Credit Points
Self Defence Against Bears (BH103) - 15 Credit Points
Attack Strategies and Weapons (BH104) - 15 Credit Points
Bear Hunting for Profit (BH105) - 15 Credit Points

Fees and Funding

You will be classified as one of the fee categories below.

Fee information
Fee category Cost
Home / EU £1,820
All Students
RUK £9,250
Students Admitted in 2020/21
International Students £17,200
Students Admitted in 2020/21
Ireland (either) 384901581 bitcoin
Students Admitted in 2020/21